12. February 2025.

About us

INNOCENTER Innovation Center

INNOCENTER Innovation Center Nonprofit Ltd. is a Hungarian privately-owned nonprofit company established in 2002, whose main objective is to boost the innovation performance of the North Hungarian Region considered as research-knowledge transfer organization according to the Community Framework for Research and Development and Innovation of the European Commission, with the main objective to boost the innovation performance of the North Hungarian Region. Its main activity is scientific and technical research and development, carried out by its independent R&D framework or in cooperation with small or medium enterprises. The innovation center focuses primarily on the areas of information and communication technology, renewable energy-energetics, sustainable development and nanotechnology. Further relevant activities are e-Learning infrastructure and methodology services as well as digital courseware development.

INNOCENTER is a part of the national and international institutional system for innovation. Contributing to this with its links and services as well as expertise and instruments, it essentially promotes the development of innovation-based small and medium enterprises and offers projects for venture capital investors. INNOCENTER is based on the premises of the University of Miskolc, since it intends to address its innovative development plans in conjunction with and on the intellectual capacity of the Knowledge-Center of the North Hungarian Region, the University of Miskolc.

Research and development

Research and development activities are usually performed in our own laboratories and by our researchers but depending on the research topic we often cooperate with research organizations and businesses of the specific area. Our research team consists of one academic, 4 PhD and one PhD-student in addition to developers and engineers. In the course of their work, research activity is carried out predominantly in order to fulfill the research and development needs of industrial partners. A number of their own research results have been transformed into business assets. Their main research areas are infocommunication technologies, renewable energy, earth science and computational fluid dynamics simulations, laser technologies for the oil industry, antibacterial surface-treatment technologies as well as technologies for bacteria removal of drinking/waste water. Their own nanosilver- and nanocopper-based research and ready-to-use technologies show very good results, whose application can increase efficiency largely in healthcare, public spaces as well as water treatment and water cleaning.

Innovation and knowledgetransfer

During our innovation and knowledgetransfer efforts we undertake a large share in strengthening the innovation activity of the region. We are a founding member of NORRIA, North Hungarian Regional Innovation Agency since its establishment in our capacity as owner. We are a member of, and maintain the Committee on Research and Development and Innovation of NOHAC, North Hungarian Automotive Cluster ad we are in a partnership with the North Hungarian IT Cluster.

Our company completed two country-wide science popularization programmes in February, 2014; whose sponsor was the National Innovation Office. In addition, we take part in the planning and delivering opinion of various regional and sectoral strategies such as the development of regional smart specialization strategy. Our teaching method is blended learning technology that is the conventional teaching activity is supported by modern internet-based e-Learning technology, making the teaching and learning process more efficient.

Education and e-Learning

Through our education and e-Learning activities including an own developed netLearn online e-Learning LMS and courseware development services we provide a comprehensive e-Learning solution to educational institutions and enterprises. The Digital Secondary School programme developed and operated together with Földes Ferenc Secondary School has formed a massive part our education activity since 2003. The school with four grades has been hosting nearly 500 students since 2007 yearly based on the blended learning method developed by us. Furthermore, a piece of work of major importance related to educational activity is an e-Learning system and digital courseware package developed in cooperation with the at the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering at the University of Miskolc, in the framework of which the courses of the Earth Sciences BSc and Geothermal Engineering were digitized and run online by us.